August 15, 2009

9.30 am the time to take the first step of the day!

Checkout from the hostel, another day of moving but this time to a better place. Going to live 5 minutes of city centre and it is less expensive then here. Gosh how great.

This day will be a day of waiting; have passed out cv’s to all the hotels applying for a receptionist. Going to call two today so I could get an interview later on today. 

So tired of this wait, give me a job now!

While waiting I am planning to find a place to have breakfast at, and then some coffee, and hum might even have lunch there and just wait, wait, wait. Or not, might actually try to find a nice museum or why not a gallery, I am up for anything. No photos taken so far, but the weather sucks so the pictures might as well. Promise to post some photos when the weather is back to sunshine and hot winds.

Hope that everything is all right with you all and that the flooding is not to bad, heard that it was kind of bad throughout Östergötland. See the bright side of it all, I got the same weather here (laughs).

See ya soon,. Story will be continued. 

1 comment:

  1. Mamma KarinAugust 16, 2009

    Hej Sonen!
    Har haft en trevlig helg med Lennart och Rosa. De åkte vidare till Göteborg idag. Var ute hos Kerstin en stund. Åker runt och kollar pooler.
    Vi är ju på gång. Pappa skrev en kommentar till dig han berättade om planerna.Hoppas att du har haft en bra rundtur i Skottland. Vi ska nog ut och spela golf. Behöver röra på mig efter denna mathelg.
    Kram på dig och lycka till med jobbsökandet.
